cukup bagi seluruh keluarga bahasa Inggris
- cukup: adequate; adequately; ample; enough; nothing
- bagi: unto; for; with; distribute; share; divide up;
- seluruh: all over; entire; hook; line and sinker; overall;
- keluarga: family; kin; kindred; relatives; the estate;
- dikasteri bagi awam, keluarga, dan kehidupan: dicastery for the laity, family and life
- cukup: adequate; adequately; ample; enough; nothing short of; sufficient; sufficiently; amply; comfortable; hold out; quite; competent; enow; good match; decent; passable; appropriate; finished; moderate;
- seluruh: all over; entire; hook; line and sinker; overall; throughout; whole throng of; all; pan-; through; whole; full; world-wide; every; thoroughly; planetary; total; thorough; complete; worldwide; perfec
- konvensi internasional tentang perlindungan seluruh hak buruh migran dan para anggota keluarga mereka: international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families
- bagi: unto; for; with; distribute; share; divide up; benefactive; split; split up; divide out; separate; divide into parts; divide; to
- cukup-cukup makan: from hand to mouth
- bagi-bagi: divide up; circulate; distribute
- keluarga: family; kin; kindred; relatives; the estate; descent; flesh and blood; folks; house; kinsfolk; relative; large family; bloodline; kinship group; house servant; lineage; category; kinship; sept; clan
- akan cukup: will be enough
- cukup alot: fairly sticky
- cukup anihnya: strange enough